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黄金资讯  加入时间:2018-12-12 9:56:04  byszk
黄金行业市场拓展机构世界黄金协会宣布任命 David Tait 为新任首席执行官。
The World Gold Councilthe market development organisation for the gold industryannounced the appointment of David Tait as incoming Chief Executive Officer.
在加入世界黄金协会前,David 已经在金融服务业拥有极为成功的职业生涯。
David joins the World Gold Council following a highly successful career in the financial services industry.
David 最近的职位是担任瑞士信贷的一位董事总经理和固定收益全球宏观产品负责人。在此之前,他在瑞信和瑞银投资银行担任高级交易职位。
David was most recently Global Head of Fixed Income Macro Products at Credit Suisse. Prior to that he held senior trading roles at both Credit Suisse and UBS Investment Bank.
David is also a major supporter of the NSPCC and has raised over £1 million by climbing Mount Everest on five occasions. He was awarded an MBE by the Queen for his services to the charity.
David将于 201917日作为指定 CEO正式加入世界黄金协会,在 225日成为 CEO之前将有一段过渡期。之后将接替现任 CEO施安霂,他在该职位上供职超过十年。
David will join the organisation on 7th January 2019 as CEO Designate for a transitionary period before becoming CEO on 25th February. He will succeed Aram Shishmanianwho has served as CEO over the past 10 years.
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